Long Overdue Update.
I haven't posted anything here in a long time, so here comes a massive update.
As of mid-December I officially work for Martin Buckley in Novell's Systems & Resource Management Business Unit, quite a change from my previous position as a Senior Architect in Novell Consulting's Architecture Practice.
This is a brand-new product and we're taking a very different go-to-market approach. What I'm going to be doing for the next 6 to 8 months is to visit clients to implement the product in proof-of-concept and pilot environments. This means I have very little time to learn everything there is to know about a product that very few people know anything about. Sounds like fun!
In other news, Nicholas turns 4 tomorrow and Olivia will be 2 in March. And I will be 41 in February. I don't know if 41 will hit me the same way 31 did. but if so, be prepared for some massive changes.
We've finally gotten the basement "finished" (although the storage room and garage side of things still needs some paint slapped up) and I'm enjoying working in my new office very much. It's quiet, comfortable, and most of all my own space.
I'm pondering a retoractive new year's resolution to post more entries here. If I decide to do it, you will be the first to know.
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